# Set client configuration

# Introduction

After the plugchain is upgraded to v1.0+, the terminal operation can use the config command to configure the client configuration of the current data directory, or directly modify the $HOME/.plugchain/config/client.toml file to meet some parameters of the operation command set up. There is no need to specify parameters for each operation command.

# usage

 plugchaind config <key> [value] [flags]
name, shorthand type required default value description
--home string $HOME/.plugchain Specifies the directory to store configuration and blockchain data
  • Set the main chain ID of the current directory
 plugchaind config chain-id "plugchain_520-1" --home=<path-to-your-home>
  • Query the main chain ID of the current directory
 plugchaind config chain-id --home=<path-to-your-home>
  • The fields of operability are as follows:
# The network chain ID
chain-id = "plugchain_520-1"
# The keyring's backend, where the keys are stored (os|file|kwallet|pass|test|memory)
keyring-backend = "os"
# CLI output format (text|json)
output = "text"
# <host>:<port> to Tendermint RPC interface for this chain
node = "tcp://localhost:26657"
# Transaction broadcasting mode (sync|async|block)
broadcast-mode = "sync"
  • After setting, when the operation command involves parameters such as chain-id, keyring-backend, etc., no additional specification is required. Take the data directory as node as an example as follows:
plugchaind tx bank send adr adr1 20000uplugcn --fees 200uplugcn --home node