# Restful API

# Query API activation method and configuration

All routes are configured via ~/.plugchain/config/app.toml under the following fields:

  • The api.enable = true|false field defines whether to enable the REST service, the default is false.
  • The api.address = {string} field defines the address the server should bind to (actually the port, since the host should remain at Defaults to tcp://
  • Some other API configuration options are defined and commented in ~/.plugchain/config/app.toml, please refer to that file directly.
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### API Configuration ###
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# Enable defines if the API server should be enabled.
enable = true

# Swagger defines if swagger documentation should automatically be registered.
swagger = true

# Address defines the API server to listen on.
address = "tcp://"

# gRPC-gateway REST routing

If gRPC cannot be used for various reasons (for example, you are building a web application and the browser does not support HTTP2, which gRPC depends on), Plug Chain Hub provides REST routing through gRPC-gateway.

gRPC-gateway (opens new window) is a tool to expose gRPC endpoints as REST endpoints. For every RPC endpoint defined in a Protobuf service, the SDK provides a REST equivalent.

For application developers, the gRPC-gateway REST route needs to be connected to the REST server by calling the RegisterGRPCGatewayRoutes method on the ModuleManager.

# Swagger

The Swagger (opens new window) (or OpenAPIv2 ) specification file is under the /swagger path on the API server. Swagger is an open specification that describes API endpoints for server services, including descriptions, input parameters, return types, and more information about each endpoint.

The /swagger endpoint can be configured via the api.swagger field in ~/.plugchain/config/app.toml, defaults to false.

For application developers, you may want to generate your own Swagger definitions based on custom modules. You can start from Plug Chain Hub's Swagger Generation Script (opens new window).

# API endpoints

Part of Plug Chain Hub API endpoints

API Endpoints Description
GET /cosmos/auth/v1beta1/accounts/{address} return account information
GET /cosmos/auth/v1beta1/params Query all parameters
GET /cosmos/bank/v1beta1/balances/{address} Query all tokens of an account
GET /cosmos/bank/v1beta1/balances/{address}/{denom} Query the balance of a single token of an account
GET /cosmos/bank/v1beta1/denoms_metadata Query the metadata of all registered tokens of the client
GET /cosmos/bank/v1beta1/denoms_metadata/{denom} Query the metadata of a token on the client side
GET /cosmos/bank/v1beta1/params Query the parameters of the bank module
GET /cosmos/bank/v1beta1/supply Query the total supply of all tokens
GET /cosmos/bank/v1beta1/supply/{denom} Query the total issuance of a token
GET /cosmos/distribution/v1beta1/community_pool Query the tokens in the community pool
GET /cosmos/distribution/v1beta1/delegators/{delegator_address}/rewards Query the total rewards accumulated by delegators at each validator
GET /cosmos/distribution/v1beta1/delegators/{delegator_address}/rewards/{validator_address} Query the rewards accumulated by a delegator at a validator
GET /cosmos/distribution/v1beta1/delegators/{delegator_address}/validators Query all delegated validations of a delegator people
GET /cosmos/distribution/v1beta1/delegators/{delegator_address}/withdraw_address Query a delegator's withdrawal address
GET /cosmos/distribution/v1beta1/params Query distribution module parameters
GET /cosmos/distribution/v1beta1/validators/{validator_address}/commission Query the accumulated commission of a validator
GET /cosmos/distribution/v1beta1/validators/{validator_address}/outstanding_rewards Query a validator's reward
GET /cosmos/distribution/v1beta1/validators/{validator_address}/slashes Query a validator's punishment event
GET /cosmos/evidence/v1beta1/evidence Query all evidence
GET /cosmos/evidence/v1beta1/evidence/{evidence_hash} Query evidence by hash
GET /cosmos/gov/v1beta1/params/{params_type} Query gov module parameters
GET /cosmos/gov/v1beta1/proposals Query all proposals in the specified state
GET /cosmos/gov/v1beta1/proposals/{proposal_id} Query proposals by ID
GET /cosmos/gov/v1beta1/proposals/{proposal_id}/deposits Query all mortgages for a proposal
GET /cosmos/gov/v1beta1/proposals/{proposal_id}/deposits/{depositor} Query the mortgage information of a staker in a proposal
GET /cosmos/gov/v1beta1/proposals/{proposal_id}/tally Query voting statistics for a proposal
GET /cosmos/gov/v1beta1/proposals/{proposal_id}/votes Query all votes for a proposal
GET /cosmos/gov/v1beta1/proposals/{proposal_id}/votes/{voter} Query the voting information of a voter in a proposal
GET /cosmos/params/v1beta1/params Query the specified parameters of a module by subspace and key
GET /cosmos/slashing/v1beta1/params Query slashing module parameters
GET /cosmos/slashing/v1beta1/signing_infos Query the signature information of all validators
GET /cosmos/slashing/v1beta1/signing_infos/{cons_address} Query the signature information of an address
GET /cosmos/staking/v1beta1/delegations/{delegator_addr} Query all delegation information of a delegator
GET /cosmos/staking/v1beta1/delegators/{delegator_addr}/redelegations Query the redelegation information of an address
GET /cosmos/staking/v1beta1/delegators/{delegator_addr}/unbonding_delegations Query all unbonding information for a given delegator
GET /cosmos/staking/v1beta1/delegators/{delegator_addr}/validators Query all validator information of the specified delegator
GET /cosmos/staking/v1beta1/delegators/{delegator_addr}/validators/{validator_addr} Query the validator information of the specified validator and delegator pair
GET /cosmos/staking/v1beta1/historical_info/{height} Query the historical information of the specified height
GET /cosmos/staking/v1beta1/params Query staking module parameters
GET /cosmos/staking/v1beta1/pool Query pool information
GET /cosmos/staking/v1beta1/validators Query all validators matching the specified state
GET /cosmos/staking/v1beta1/validators/{validator_addr} Query validator information by validator address
GET /cosmos/staking/v1beta1/validators/{validator_addr}/delegations Query a validator's delegation information
GET /cosmos/staking/v1beta1/validators/{validator_addr}/delegations/{delegator_addr} Query the delegation information between the specified validator and the delegator
GET /cosmos/staking/v1beta1/validators/{validator_addr}/delegations/{delegator_addr}/unbonding_delegation Query the unbonding information between the specified validator and the delegator
GET /cosmos/staking/v1beta1/validators/{validator_addr}/unbonding_delegations Query a validator's unbonding information
GET /cosmos/upgrade/v1beta1/applied_plan/{name} Query the applied upgrade plan by name
GET /cosmos/upgrade/v1beta1/current_plan Query the current upgrade plan
GET /cosmos/upgrade/v1beta1/upgraded_consensus_state/{last_height} Query the consensus state, which will be used as the trusted kernel for the next version of this chain
GET /cosmos/base/tendermint/v1beta1/blocks/latest Returns the latest block height
GET /cosmos/base/tendermint/v1beta1/blocks/{height} Query blocks with specified height
GET /cosmos/base/tendermint/v1beta1/node_info Query current node information
GET /cosmos/base/tendermint/v1beta1/syncing Query node synchronization information
GET /cosmos/base/tendermint/v1beta1/validatorsets/latest Query the current block validator set
GET /cosmos/base/tendermint/v1beta1/validatorsets/{height} Query the set of validators with a specified height
POST /cosmos/tx/v1beta1/simulate Simulate transaction execution to estimate gas consumption
GET /cosmos/tx/v1beta1/txs Filter transactions by events
POST /cosmos/tx/v1beta1/txs Broadcast transaction
GET /cosmos/tx/v1beta1/txs/{hash} Query transactions by hash

# query transaction

Querying a transaction using the gRPC-gateway REST endpoint can be done by sending a GET request, an example is shown below:

  • Query tx by hash: /cosmos/tx/v1beta1/txs/{hash}

    curl -X GET \
        -H "accept: application/json" \
  • Query tx by events: /cosmos/tx/v1beta1/txs event format {eventType}.{eventAttribute}={value}

    curl -X GET \
        -H "accept: application/json" \

# event

Events are implemented in the Cosmos SDK as aliases of the ABCI Event type, and Takes the form: {eventType}.{attributeKey}={attributeValue}.

An event contains:

  • A "type" for advanced categorization of events; for example, the Cosmos SDK uses the "message" type to filter events by Msg.
  • The attributes list is a key-value pair that provides more information about classified events. For example, for the "message" type, we can filter events using message.action={some_action}, message.module={some_module}, or message.sender={some_sender} key-value pairs.
  • Pagination query requires parameters pagination.limit and pagination.offset to be used together. egg: Query 100 records, starting from 0: pagination.limit=100&pagination.offset=0 Query the parameters of the second page pagination.limit=100&pagination.offset=100 The maximum value of the pagination.limit parameter is 100


To parse property values ​​as strings, be sure to add ' (single quotes) around each property value.

# example

The following example shows how to query events using the Cosmos SDK.

Event Description
tx.height=23 Query all transactions with height 23
tx.hash='DF9738772AAECE776187EFF106190FF169F00C725968A15D23FA1DC9B4A1B651' Query the specified hash transaction
message.action='/cosmos.bank.v1beta1.MsgSend' Query all transactions containing x/bank Send.
message.module='bank' Query all transactions that contain messages from the x/bank module.
message.module message.action
bank /cosmos.bank.v1beta1.MsgSend
bank /cosmos.bank.v1beta1.MsgMultiSend
distribution /cosmos.distribution.v1beta1.MsgFundCommunityPool
distribution /cosmos.distribution.v1beta1.MsgSetWithdrawAddress
distribution /cosmos.distribution.v1beta1.MsgWithdrawDelegatorReward
distribution /cosmos.distribution.v1beta1.MsgWithdrawValidatorCommission
governance /cosmos.gov.v1beta1.MsgVote
governance /cosmos.gov.v1beta1.MsgVoteWeighted
governance /cosmos.gov.v1beta1.MsgSubmitProposal
governance /cosmos.gov.v1beta1.MsgDeposit
staking /cosmos.staking.v1beta1.MsgBeginRedelegate
staking /cosmos.staking.v1beta1.MsgCreateValidator
staking /cosmos.staking.v1beta1.MsgDelegate
staking /cosmos.staking.v1beta1.MsgEditValidator
staking /cosmos.staking.v1beta1.MsgUndelegate
slashing /cosmos.slashing.v1beta1.MsgUnjail
token /plugchain.prc10.MsgBurnToken
token /plugchain.prc10.MsgEditToken
token /plugchain.prc10.MsgIssueToken
token /plugchain.prc10.MsgMintToken
evm /ethermint.evm.v1.MsgEthereumTx
liquidity /tendermint.liquidity.v1beta1.MsgCreatePool
liquidity /tendermint.liquidity.v1beta1.MsgDepositWithinBatch
liquidity /tendermint.liquidity.v1beta1.MsgSwapWithinBatch
liquidity /tendermint.liquidity.v1beta1.MsgWithdrawWithinBatch

# Construct and sign the transaction

Transactions cannot be constructed and signed using REST, only transactions can be broadcast. You can use gRPC client to construct and sign transactions.

# Broadcast transaction

Broadcasting a transaction using the gRPC-gateway REST endpoint cosmos/tx/v1beta1/txs can be done by sending a POST request as follows, where NewTxBytes is a protobuf encoded byte array of the signed transaction:

import (

func sendTx() error {
    // base64 encode the encoded tx bytes
    // txBytes are obtained via `encCfg.TxConfig.TxEncoder()(txBuilder.GetTx())` or `encCfg.TxConfig.TxJSONEncoder()(txBuilder.GetTx())`

    NewTxBytes := base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(txBytes)
curl -X POST \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -d '{"tx_bytes":"{{NewTxBytes}}","mode":"BROADCAST_MODE_SYNC"}' \