# Governance
# Concepts
The governance process is divided in a few steps that are outlined below:
Proposal submission: Proposal is submitted to the blockchain with a deposit.
Vote: Once deposit reaches a certain value (
), proposal is confirmed and vote opens. Bonded uplugcn holders can then sendTxGovVote
transactions to vote on the proposal.If the proposal involves a software upgrade:
Signal: Validators start signaling that they are ready to switch to the new version.
Switch: Once more than 75% of validators have signaled that they are ready to switch, their software automatically flips to the new version.
# Proposal submission
# Right to submit a proposal
Any uplugcn holder, whether bonded or unbonded, can submit proposals by sending a
transaction. Once a proposal is submitted, it is identified by
its unique proposalID
# Proposal types
In the initial version of the governance module, there are two types of proposal:
All the proposals that do not involve a modification of the source code go under this type. For example, an opinion poll would use a proposal of typePlainTextProposal
. If accepted, validators are expected to update their software in accordance with the proposal. They must do so by following a 2-steps process described in the Software Upgrade section below. Software upgrade roadmap may be discussed and agreed on viaPlainTextProposals
, but actual software upgrades must be performed viaSoftwareUpgradeProposals
Other modules may expand upon the governance module by implementing their own
proposal types and handlers. These types are registered and processed through the
governance module (eg. ParamChangeProposal
), which then execute the respective
module's proposal handler when a proposal passes. This custom handler may perform
arbitrary state changes.
# Deposit
To prevent spam, proposals must be submitted with a deposit in the coins defined in the MinDeposit
param. The voting period will not start until the proposal's deposit equals MinDeposit
When a proposal is submitted, it has to be accompanied by a deposit that must be strictly positive, but can be inferior to MinDeposit
. The submitter doesn't need to pay for the entire deposit on their own. If a proposal's deposit is inferior to MinDeposit
, other token holders can increase the proposal's deposit by sending a Deposit
transaction. The deposit is kept in an escrow in the governance ModuleAccount
until the proposal is finalized (passed or rejected).
Once the proposal's deposit reaches MinDeposit
, it enters voting period. If proposal's deposit does not reach MinDeposit
before MaxDepositPeriod
, proposal closes and nobody can deposit on it anymore.
# Deposit refund and burn
When a proposal finalized, the coins from the deposit are either refunded or burned, according to the final tally of the proposal:
If the proposal is approved or if it's rejected but not vetoed, deposits will automatically be refunded to their respective depositor (transferred from the governance
).When the proposal is vetoed with a supermajority, deposits be burned from the governance
# Vote
# Participants
Participants are users that have the right to vote on proposals. On the Plug Chain Hub, participants are bonded uplugcn holders. Unbonded uplugcn holders and other users do not get the right to participate in governance. However, they can submit and deposit on proposals.
Note that some participants can be forbidden to vote on a proposal under a certain validator if:
participant bonded or unbonded uplugcn to said validator after proposal entered voting period.
participant became validator after proposal entered voting period.
This does not prevent participant to vote with uplugcn bonded to other validators. For example, if a participant bonded some uplugcn to validator A before a proposal entered voting period and other uplugcn to validator B after proposal entered voting period, only the vote under validator B will be forbidden.
# Voting period
Once a proposal reaches MinDeposit
, it immediately enters Voting period
. We
define Voting period
as the interval between the moment the vote opens and
the moment the vote closes. Voting period
should always be shorter than
Unbonding period
to prevent double voting. The initial value of
Voting period
is 2 weeks.
# Option set
The option set of a proposal refers to the set of choices a participant can choose from when casting its vote.
The initial option set includes the following options:
counts as No
but also adds a Veto
vote. Abstain
allows voters to signal that they do not intend to vote in favor or against the
proposal but accept the result of the vote.
Note: from the UI, for urgent proposals we should maybe add a ‘Not Urgent’
option that casts a NoWithVeto
# Quorum
Quorum is defined as the minimum percentage of voting power that needs to be casted on a proposal for the result to be valid.
# Threshold
Threshold is defined as the minimum proportion of Yes
votes (excluding
votes) for the proposal to be accepted.
Initially, the threshold is set at 50% with a possibility to veto if more than
1/3rd of votes (excluding Abstain
votes) are NoWithVeto
votes. This means
that proposals are accepted if the proportion of Yes
votes (excluding
votes) at the end of the voting period is superior to 50% and if the
proportion of NoWithVeto
votes is inferior to 1/3 (excluding Abstain
Proposals can be accepted before the end of the voting period if they meet a special condition. Namely, if the ratio of Yes
votes to InitTotalVotingPower
exceeds 2:3, the proposal will be immediately accepted, even if the Voting period
is not finished. InitTotalVotingPower
is the total voting power of all bonded uplugcn holders at the moment when the vote opens.
This condition exists so that the network can react quickly in case of urgency.
# Inheritance
If a delegator does not vote, it will inherit its validator vote.
If the delegator votes before its validator, it will not inherit from the validator's vote.
If the delegator votes after its validator, it will override its validator vote with its own. If the proposal is urgent, it is possible that the vote will close before delegators have a chance to react and override their validator's vote. This is not a problem, as proposals require more than 2/3rd of the total voting power to pass before the end of the voting period. If more than 2/3rd of validators collude, they can censor the votes of delegators anyway.
# Validator’s punishment for non-voting
At present, validators are not punished for failing to vote.
# Governance address
Later, we may add permissioned keys that could only sign txs from certain modules. For the MVP, the Governance address
will be the main validator address generated at account creation. This address corresponds to a different PrivKey than the Tendermint PrivKey which is responsible for signing consensus messages. Validators thus do not have to sign governance transactions with the sensitive Tendermint PrivKey.
# Software Upgrade
The governance process for the software upgrade is described in Upgrade
# Usage Scenario
# Parameter change
The parameters of modules can be changed by demand through a proposal of parameter change.
# Query module parameters which can be changed through gov. e.g. query the staking params
plugchaind query staking params
# Parameter list
bond_denom: line
historical_entries: 10000
max_entries: 7
max_validators: 100
unbonding_time: 1814400s
# Send proposal for parameters change
echo '{
"title": "Staking Param Change",
"description": "Update max validators",
"changes": [
"subspace": "staking",
"key": "MaxValidators",
"value": 105
"deposit": "1000uplugcn"
}' > proposal.json
plugchaind tx gov submit-proposal param-change proposal.json --from=<key-name> --fees=20uplugcn --chain-id=plugchain_520-1
# Community pool spending
The community pool funds can be spent through the governance process.
# Submit a proposal for community pool spending
echo '{
"title": "Community Pool Spend",
"description": "Developer rewards",
"recipient": "gx1s5afhd6gxevu37mkqcvvsj8qeylhn0rz46zdlq",
"amount": "10000plug",
"deposit": "1000uplugcn"
}' > proposal.json
plugchaind tx gov submit-proposal community-pool-spend proposal.json --from=<key-name> --fees=20uplugcn --chain-id=plugchain_520-1
# Software upgrade
Usage on the software upgrade is introduced in Upgrade