# Introduction
is a command line client for the Plug Chain Hub network. Plug Chain Hub users can use plugchaind
to send transactions and query the blockchain data.
# Working Directory
The default working directory for the plugchaind
is $HOME/.plugchain
, which is mainly used to save configuration files and data. The Plug Chain Hub key
data is saved in the working directory of plugchaind
. You can also specify the plugchaind
working directory by --home
# Connecting to a Full Node
The plugchaind
node provides a RPC interface, transactions and query requests are sent to the process listening to it. The default rpc address the plugchaind
is connected to is tcp://localhost:26657
, it can also be specified by --node
# Global Flags
# GET Commands
All GET commands has the following global flags:
Name, shorthand | type | Required | Default Value | Description |
--chain-id | string | Chain ID of tendermint node | ||
--home | string | /Users/userName/.plugchain | Directory for config and data | |
--trace | string | Print out full stack trace on errors |
# POST Commands
All POST commands have the following global flags:
Name, shorthand | type | Required | Default | Description |
--account-number | int | 0 | AccountNumber to sign the tx | |
--broadcast-mode | string | sync | Transaction broadcasting mode (sync | async | block) | |
--dry-run | bool | false | Ignore the --gas flag and perform a simulation of a transaction, but don't broadcast it | |
--fees | string | Fees to pay along with transaction | ||
--from | string | Name of private key with which to sign | ||
--gas | string | 50000 | Gas limit to set per-transaction; set to "simulate" to calculate required gas automatically | |
--gas-adjustment | float | 1.5 | Adjustment factor to be multiplied against the estimate returned by the tx simulation; if the gas limit is set | |
--gas-prices | string | Gas prices in decimal format to determine the transaction fee | ||
--generate-only | bool | false | Build an unsigned transaction and write it to STDOUT | |
--help, -h | string | Print help message | ||
--keyring-backend | string | os | Select keyring's backend | |
--ledger | bool | false | Use a connected Ledger device | |
--memo | string | Memo to send along with transaction | ||
--node | string | tcp://localhost:26657 | <host>:<port> to tendermint rpc interface for this chain | |
--offline | string | Offline mode (does not allow any online functionality) | ||
--sequence | int | 0 | Sequence number to sign the tx | |
--sign-mode | string | Choose sign mode (direct | amino-json), this is an advanced feature | ||
--trust-node | bool | true | Don't verify proofs for responses | |
--yes | bool | true | Skip tx broadcasting prompt confirmation | |
--chain-id | string | Chain ID of tendermint node | ||
--home | string | Directory for config and data (default "/Users/bianjie/.plugchain") | ||
--trace | string | Print out full stack trace on errors |
# Module Commands
Subcommand | Description |
bank | Bank subcommands for querying acccounts and sending coins etc. |
debug | Debug subcommands |
distribution | Distribution subcommands for rewards management |
gov | Governance and voting subcommands |
keys | Keys allows you to manage your local keystore for tendermint |
params | Query parameters of modules |
slashing | Slashing subcommands |
staking | Staking subcommands for validators and delegators |
status | Query remote node for status |
tendermint | Tendermint state querying subcommands |
tx | Tx subcommands |
upgrade | Software Upgrade subcommands |
token | Token subcommands |
liquidity | Liquidity subcommands |