Params module allows you to query the system parameters which can be governed (except the gov params) by the gov module.
Subspace currently supports the following:auth
, bank
, staking
, mint
, distribution
, slashing
, gov
, crisis
Among them, the parameters available for query for each subspace are as follows:
key | description | default |
MaxMemoCharacters | Maximum number of characters in the memo field in a transaction | 256 |
TxSigLimit | Maximum number of signatures per transaction | 7 |
TxSizeCostPerByte | The amount of gas consumed per byte of the transaction | 10 |
SigVerifyCostED25519 | Gas spent on edd2519 algorithm signature verification | 590 |
SigVerifyCostSecp256k1 | Gas spent on secp256k1 algorithm signature verification | 1000 |
key | description | default |
SendEnabled | Tokens that support transfer | {} |
DefaultSendEnabled | Whether to enable the transfer function by default | true |
key | description | default |
UnbondingTime | Mortgage redemption time | 3w(weeks) |
MaxValidators | Maximum number of validators | 100 |
MaxEntries | The maximum number of unbinding/redelegation orders in progress | 7 |
BondDenom | Bond denom | uplugcn |
HistoricalEntries | The number of historical entries | 100 |
key | description | default |
Inflation | Token issuance frequency | 0.04 |
MintDenom | Denom of the token mintable | uplugcn |
key | description | default |
communitytax | Fees charged for withdrawal | 0.02 |
baseproposerreward | The base reward rate of the block proposer | 0.01 |
bonusproposerreward | Reward rate for block proposers | 0.04 |
withdrawaddrenabled | Whether to support setting the withdrawal address | true |
key | description | default |
SignedBlocksWindow | Sliding window for downtime slashing | 100 |
MinSignedPerWindow | Minimum signature rate in each window | 0.5 |
DowntimeJailDuration | Maximum downtime (continuous) | 10m |
SlashFractionDoubleSign | Penalty coefficient for double sign | 1/20 |
SlashFractionDowntime | Penalty coefficient for downtime | 1/100 |
key | description | default |
depositparams | Related parameters of the deposit mortgage phase | min_deposit : 10000000plug; max_deposit_period : 2d(days) |
votingparams | Related parameters of the voting mortgage phase | voting_period : 2d(days) |
tallyparams | Related parameters of the voting tally phase | quorum : 0.334; threshold : 0.5; veto_threshold : 0.334 |
key | description | default |
ConstantFee | Constant Fee | 1000uplugcn |
key | description | default |
IssueTokenBaseFee | Constant Fee | 10000uplugcn |
OperateTokenFeeRatio | Operation Fee | 0.1 |