# Tx

Tx module allows you to sign or broadcast transactions

# Available Commands

Name Description
sign Sign transactions generated offline
broadcast Broadcast a signed transaction to the network
multisign Sign the same transaction by multiple accounts
tx Query for a transaction by hash in a committed block
txs Search for transactions that match the exact given events where results are paginated

# plugchaind tx sign

Sign transactions in generated offline file. The file created with the --generate-only flag.

plugchaind tx sign <file> [flags]

# Flags

Name, shorthand Type Required Default Description
--append bool true true Attach a signature to an existing signature.
--from string true Key name for signature
--offline bool true Offline mode.
--signature-only bool true Print only the generated signature, then exit
--multisig string true Address of the multisig account on behalf of which the transaction shall be signed

# Generate an offline tx


You can generate any type of txs offline by appending the flag --generate-only

We use a transfer tx in the following examples:

plugchaind tx bank send gx1l7422f2ljgmrnzwxgd9rxr8cw3yz63wx89tnqs gx1rkecwy9pjsfd058w0pwa2perquc8xe639n92ms 900000uplugcn --fees 20uplugcn --generate-only > unsigned.json

The unsigned.json should look like:

    "body": {
        "messages": [
                "@type": "/cosmos.bank.v1beta1.MsgSend",
                "from_address": "gx1l7422f2ljgmrnzwxgd9rxr8cw3yz63wx89tnqs",
                "to_address": "gx1rkecwy9pjsfd058w0pwa2perquc8xe639n92ms",
                "amount": [
                        "denom": "uplugcn",
                        "amount": "900000"
        "memo": "",
        "timeout_height": "0",
        "extension_options": [],
        "non_critical_extension_options": []
    "auth_info": {
        "signer_infos": [],
        "fee": {
            "amount": [
                    "denom": "uplugcn",
                    "amount": "20"
            "gas_limit": "200000",
            "payer": "",
            "granter": ""
    "signatures": []

# Sign tx offline

plugchaind tx sign unsigned.json  --from gx1l7422f2ljgmrnzwxgd9rxr8cw3yz63wx89tnqs --chain-id plugchain_520-1 > signed.json

The signed.json should look like:

    "body": {
        "messages": [
                "@type": "/cosmos.bank.v1beta1.MsgSend",
                "from_address": "gx1l7422f2ljgmrnzwxgd9rxr8cw3yz63wx89tnqs",
                "to_address": "gx1rkecwy9pjsfd058w0pwa2perquc8xe639n92ms",
                "amount": [
                        "denom": "uplugcn",
                        "amount": "900000"
        "memo": "",
        "timeout_height": "0",
        "extension_options": [],
        "non_critical_extension_options": []
    "auth_info": {
        "signer_infos": [
                "public_key": {
                    "@type": "/cosmos.crypto.secp256k1.PubKey",
                    "key": "Auouudrg0P86v2kq2lykdr97AJYGHyD6BJXAQtjR1gzd"
                "mode_info": {
                    "single": {
                        "mode": "SIGN_MODE_DIRECT"
                "sequence": "1"
        "fee": {
            "amount": [
                    "denom": "uplugcn",
                    "amount": "20"
            "gas_limit": "200000",
            "payer": "",
            "granter": ""
    "signatures": [

Note the signature in the signed.json should no longer be empty after signing.

Now it's ready to broadcast the signed tx to the Plug Chain Hub.

# plugchaind tx broadcast

This command is used to broadcast an offline signed transaction to the network.

# Broadcast offline signed transaction

plugchaind tx broadcast signed.json --chain-id=plugchain_520-1

# plugchaind tx multisign

Sign a transaction by multiple accounts. The tx could be broadcasted only when the number of signatures meets the multisig-threshold.

plugchaind tx multisign <file> <key-name> <[signature]...> [flags]

# Generate an offline tx by multisig key


No multisig key? Create one

plugchaind tx bank send <from> <to> 10uplugcn --fees=20uplugcn --chain-id=plugchain_520-1 --from=<multisig-keyname> --generate-only > unsigned.json

# Sign the multisig tx

# Query the multisig address

plugchaind keys show <multisig-keyname>

# Sign the unsigned.json

Assume the multisig-threshold is 2, here we sign the unsigned.json by 2 of the signers

Sign the tx by signer-1:

plugchaind tx sign unsigned.json --from=<signer-keyname-1> --chain-id=plugchain_520-1 --multisig=<multisig-address> --signature-only > signed-1.json

Sign the tx by signer-2:

plugchaind tx sign unsigned.json --from=<signer-keyname-2> --chain-id=plugchain_520-1 --multisig=<multisig-address> --signature-only > signed-2.json

# Merge the signatures

Merge all the signatures into signed.json

plugchaind tx multisign --chain-id=plugchain_520-1 unsigned.json <multisig-keyname> signed-1.json signed-2.json > signed.json

Now you can broadcast the signed tx.

# plugchaind query tx

plugchaind query tx [hash] [flags]

# plugchaind query txs

plugchaind query txs --events 'message.sender=<gx...>&message.action=xxxx' --page 1 --limit 30

Among the possible values of message.action:

module Msg action
bank cosmos-sdk/MsgSend transfer
cosmos-sdk/MsgMultiSend transfer
distribution cosmos-sdk/MsgModifyWithdrawAddress set_withdraw_address
cosmos-sdk/MsgWithdrawValidatorCommission withdraw_commission
cosmos-sdk/MsgWithdrawDelegatorReward withdraw_rewards
gov cosmos-sdk/MsgSubmitProposal submit_proposal
cosmos-sdk/MsgDeposit proposal_deposit
cosmos-sdk/MsgVote proposal_vote
stake cosmos-sdk/MsgCreateValidator create_validator
cosmos-sdk/MsgEditValidator edit_validator
cosmos-sdk/MsgDelegate delegate
cosmos-sdk/MsgBeginRedelegate redelegate
cosmos-sdk/MsgUndelegate unbond
slashing cosmos-sdk/MsgUnjail unjail